lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

Third Person Singular Negative


This week we are going to learn how to use the negative form with the third person singular. Let's watch the video.

Now let's click on the link to play a game and practice.

Let's continue practising with the interactive page, We have to complete the sentences using the correct auxiliary "don't" or "doesn't"

Finally, let's play an interactive game to continue with the practice.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020

Simple Present- Third Person Singular- Affirmative form


We are going to learn how to use the Simple Present Tense with the third person singular. Let's watch the video.

Present Simple Affirmative, an interactive worksheet by LiaLJ

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2020

My life before and after pandemic.

Let's watch the video.

Now let's get ready to work!

Nos preparamos para trabajar.

My routine, an interactive worksheet by sblanco2

Routines 2, an interactive worksheet by sblanco2

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Routines. Affirmative and negative form.

Today we are going to continue with the routines. Let's watch the video.

Hoy continuamos con las rutinas. Miremos el video.

Now let's work with the interactive pages.

Ahora trabajamos con las hojas interactivas.

Routines negative form, an interactive worksheet by sblanco2

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020

My day 2


Let's watch a video to play a memory game!

Miremos el video para jugar a un juego de la memoria!

Click on the link below and play a game!

Hacé click en el link para jugar!

Let's continue working and revising daily routines.

Continuamos trabajando y repasando las rutinas.

Routines, an interactive worksheet by sblanco2
Routines, an interactive worksheet by sblanco2

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2020

My day.

Let's start working with the Student's book, page41, exercises 5 and 6b.

Empecemos trabajando con el libro de clases en la página 41 con los ejercicios 5 y 6b.

Let's continue working with page 42. Watch the video below and learn about Molly's day.

Continuemos trabajando con la página 42. Miremos el video para ver cómo es un día en la vida de Molly.


Finally, let's work with the workbook on page 34. Watch the video to see the instructions.

Finalmente trabajaremos con el libro de actividades en la página 34. Miremos el video para ver las instrucciones.

My day, an interactive worksheet by sblanco2

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

What's the time, please?


This week we are going to learn the time. Let's watch the video.

Esta semana aprenderemos la hora. Miremos el video.

Now let's complete the workbook, page 32. In the video you can find the audio.

Ahora continuamos trabajando en el libro de actividades, página 32. En el video encontrarán el audio.

Time to play!

En los siguientes links encontrarán juegos interactivos para practicar la hora.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020

My School


This week we are going to work with school subjects. Let's watch the video.

Esta semana trabajaremos con las materias escolares. Miremos el video.

Now let's watch the next video to listen to the instructions for the following activity.

Ahora miramos el siguiente video para ver las instrucciones de la siguiente actividad.

Let's complete the interactive pages.

Subjects, an interactive worksheet by sblanco2

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020

What colour is your pet?


Today we are going to start working with a reading comprehension, page 32, exercise 2b.


Let's watch the video about questions and short answers with "have got".

Now let's follow the instructions shown in the video.

Finally, let's work with the Student's book on page 33.

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2020

Have you got a pet?


Today we are going to work with pets. Watch the video and open your book on page 32.

Now let's get ready to work with the interactive page.

Pets, una ficha interactiva de sblanco2

Finally, let's watch video number two to revise animal body parts and to learn how to describe your pet or favourite animal.
