lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Verb to be- Negative form

Resultado de imagen para Hello everybody clipart

Today we are going to learn the verb to be in the negative form.

Let's look at the video.

This is the page you have to complete in the Workbook (page 13, exercises 5 and 6.)

And these are the activities to complete in the classbook, page 17, exercises 7a -b and 8.


martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Unit 2 "Friends and Family"

Hello! Good Afternoon!

18 Good Afternoon Clipart buenas tardes Free Clip Art stock ...

We start with unit number 2. Watch the video.

Recuerden sacar fotos de las páginas de los libros a medida que las vayan completando y subirlas a Edmodo.

Resultado de imagen para bye bye clipart